Thomas P.

Results 17 comments of Thomas P.

voneiden's approach still gave me a warning with Python 3.10: > DeprecationWarning: There is no current event loop I had a look at `pytest-asyncio` to get a better understanding of...

Hmm, that enables some neat interface effects like the ability to put a fullscreen image at the top of a screen, then showing multiple detail pages by scrolling. It used...

@ahtishamali09 Well, as I said in the issue report, you can downgrade to version 2 as a workaround for now. I don't have a fix for v3. ``` yarn add...

Hello, I was having a similar problem. I'm connecting through SSH to my server, and running `zrepl status` also gave question marks on my shell around the selected zone. Setting...

We could ask the torrent server to move the files for us by running a `mv` shell command. For rtorrent, this can probably be achieved with an `execute` call.

The action seems to pick existing data properly now, adding this to your pipeline should work ```yaml - name: Cache asdf uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: | ~/.asdf key: ${{ runner.os...

This should have been fixed with, released in v2.2.0