Changing what the function fundamentally does, without changing the signature, is going to cause grievances that will not be caught by the compiler, for the current consumers.
I am using this w/ piper, and it works. The keybind for `!` says "toggle TTS" in source but for me it only starts. I don't know if that's related...
The app image just shows a white screen and prints an error ``` (node:110714) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open './capacitor.config.json' ``` Adding that file did hide...
Yep, devcontainers should support mounting. I've made some progress wrt mounting the store: ``` $ docker run --entrypoint bash --mount='source=/nix,target=/nix,readonly,type=bind' -e 'NIX_REMOTE=daemon' --rm -ti ``` Seems to work properly,...
I concur. Just had this happen to me, went into UPDATE_COMPLETE with `Update successful. One or more resources could not be deleted.`