Tyler Olson

Results 13 comments of Tyler Olson

@marcin-wosinek +1 - good find. Problem is there aren't the nice auto-test options that `jasmine-node` provides. `jasmine-node` should really provide an interface to use a local version of jasmine, instead...

It might also be the resize listener, especially if you have a good deal of ellipsis directives on the same page. Try commenting out 112 to 123 and seeing if...

@DanielSBelo did you find a good solution for this? I'm having the same problem. Saving a map as a canvas works fine in Firefox, but fails to save the map...

FYI - if you need to get some map capture functionality up and running quickly, you can always use the google streetview or static maps API. Basically, reconstruct what the...

Hey Daniel, The idea behind `createTransaction` is that it should accept an arbitrary number of inputs and outputs. Currently the only transaction builder is `createSimpleTransaction`, which accepts just a single...

@DanielRrr correct, I think it should be a generalization of the "simple" case where there is only one input and one output. That type signature in the comment might be...

@DanielRrr I think that signature looks right. If you look at the type for `Transaction`, you'll see that each transaction contains a list of inputs and outputs. So I think...

By the way, this library is super powerful and thanks to everyone for all the hard work! I've just found it to be slightly confusing digging around examples and code...

@justhamade looks good - are there any tests we can add to verify this does what we expect it to? As an aside, I'm happy the lean on `Request.prototype.extendRes` and...

What change breaks backwards compatibility?