Todd Parsons
Todd Parsons
Corresponding Python PR:
Will be fixed in:
Pulling this in as we agreed on it in standups already, if I remember right we were just waiting on tests completing?
The error in `` is essentially the new `psychopy.layout.Vertices` class being over-zealous with validating values - it didn't occur to me when writing it that vertices with a hole in...
This is the thing I was complaining about with the standalone, think it's fixed in the .2 release but you might have to manually delete the demos folder for it...
@mdcutone does still this happen with the FFMPEG video class?
I can't access the experiment file, are you setting its lineColor via a line of code or via the parameter in Builder being `Set Each Frame`?
I believe GitHub doesn't allow `.psyexp` files, but if you change the file extension to `.txt` it should let you (I can then just change it back to open it...
Ah I think I see the problem - PsychoJS wants colors to be a `util.Color` object, while PsychoPy does this in the background. For your specific experiment, I think you...
Minimal example: ``` from psychopy import visual, event win = visual.Window(units="height") obj = visual.DropDownCtrl(win, pos=(0, 0.3), size=(0.4, 0.1), choices=("one", "two", "three")) while not event.getKeys(["escape"]): obj.draw() win.flip() ```