Results 28 comments of Tim

Seems like Postal is dead by the lack of support from Andrew!!!!

I'm using [Select2 ]( as my DDL and wanted to create something like @Html.SelectBlock(m=>m.SomeFKId, null, null, i=>i.CurrentValue(SomeSavedValue))

Any thoughts on this Jimmy? I think the problem is this method always returns and input tag instead of a select tag. ``` public static HtmlTag Input(this HtmlHelper helper, Expression...

I've managed to get it working to a fashion but it's not inline with your code. I just couldn't figure out how to do it any other way :( ```...

@AlonAmsalem Thanks for this, very useful. Have you managed to convert other classes in the project? [HtmlHelperExtensions.cs]( And this one [MvcTransactionFilter.cs](

``` private static IElementGenerator GetGenerator(T model) where T : class { var library = StructuremapMvc.ParentScope.CurrentNestedContainer.GetInstance(); return ElementGenerator.For(library, t => StructuremapMvc.ParentScope.CurrentNestedContainer.GetInstance(t), model); } ``` I'm still having problems converting this to...

I did that but it doesn't seems to work. My MVC web app is using MembershipReboot. ``` app.UseCookieAuthentication(new Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies.CookieAuthenticationOptions { AuthenticationType = "Cookies", LoginPath = new PathString("/UserAccount/Login") }); app.Map("/idm", idm...

When I go to /idm I'm redirected to /UserAccount/Login then once logged in I try and go back to /idm and I'm prompted again to login.

I can't see much in the way of logs. This code works... ``` var factory = new IdentityManagerServiceFactory(); factory.Configure("OfficeManager"); var options = new IdentityManagerOptions { // configuration values in here...

Yes, one log entry says "IdentityManager.Configuration.Hosting.OAuthServerExtensions: User is authenticated from Cookies; issuing challenge"