Tassilo Karge
Tassilo Karge
We encountered the same issue in Vienna (https://github.com/ViennaRSS/vienna-rss), so I made a one-line fix in a49ddf63454511f1f02e8159bb5169a6f832ccfb for it. It is much simpler, but does the trick. It could be cherry-picked...
I am also looking forward to this!
In the Vienna project, we have made some modifications to MMTabBar, which you may want to look into.
Let me review that issue first
I especially meant the title of the last tab in the overflow menu. It does not get updated even when the page has loaded for the first time, it keeps...
Fixing this is part of the browser project!
This is still true, I might investigate it during the browser rework
Cool! A new icon is always refreshing. Especially, due to the generous usage of orange, this one really pops
Seems to be like another thing that Apple keeps away from the Mac. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/wkwebviewconfiguration/1641937-datadetectortypes would be the solution but is only available on iOS or in Catalyst apps. Maybe we...
Even UIWebView has it only for iOS: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiwebview/1617965-datadetectortypes