Florian Leparoux
Florian Leparoux
It's to use multiple web server with one database. EG: https://www.nginx.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Webinar-GCP-Slide-36-App-Architecture.png The goal is to be authenticated on all. Like that if one of them is overload, the user will...
HI @tematres, I don't think so. For some use case you have this : `client loadbalancer webserver(s)` When you use `$_SERVER["HTTPS"]` on tematres code you check the second one so...
Sorry for the delay, I use the westeurope location. And : p task.args give me : ``` agent_pool_profiles': [{'count': 5, 'name': 'default', 'vm_size': 'Standard_D2s_v3'}], 'dns_prefix': 'mySubDomain', 'enable_rbac': True, 'kubernetes_version': '1.14.8',...