Gabor Szots
Gabor Szots
Thanks Günther. It's funny I did not notice that, it's the next line below search.use_book = 1 which I changed to 0 to disable the book (see the relevant issue).
I have changed all uint occurrences in endgame.h and to unsigned int and now compilation is successful.
Hi Alexander, Thanks for 4.0.0. Please note that it displays 3.3.27 as version number. Also, again I have difficulties with compiling. This is how the error message starts: In file...
> @SzotsGabor > > > ..I have difficulties with compiling.. > > i'm on Xubuntu 22.04 here and all went well : no compile errors nor warnings .. indeed the...
> You can try `#include ` in problem files. On all of my machines it happens automatically, but not on yours, it seems. Please write if it helps, I`ll update...
To answer my own question, it certainly does. I have played a match between ChessBrainVB 4.00 WB and UCI versions under the Cute Chess GUI. These were the settings I...
Thank you Roger. In my tests I used Arena, not Cute Chess, so I think the UCI problem had no impact. v4.00 is already on the blitz list and it...
As soon as I unpacked it, v4.02 was quarantined by Microsoft Defender. Wacapew virus detected. I guess it's a false alarm and I enabled it but it is strange that...
> Best way to be sure is checking the file at I got 2 false positives for V4.02 there - but the main virus scanners found no virus. That's...
It seems to me that the problem with the UCI version playing slower as black under Cute Chess still persists. By only watching their games convinces me that it is...