> All in all, I think you're overthinking most of this. I would recommend you start over by deleting your prefix, running the game _through steam's GUI_ once, running `protontricks...
> Please join the discord and `@rinlovesyou` in support. Github troubleshooting like this is a bit of a pain. > > > I understand that you think the project you...
[Latest.log]( So, I decided to install the native Linux versions of TLD and MelonLoader and port the mods myself. (Version 0.6.1, because 0.6.2 is broken.) Unfortunately, I get this error:...
I downloaded the newest Linux build of Cpp2IL: "[Fail] [Program] Execution Failed: Invalid game-path or exe-name specified. Failed to find one of the following: /mnt/Games/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/TheLongDark/GameAssembly.dll /mnt/Games/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/TheLongDark/tld.x86_64.exe /mnt/Games/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/TheLongDark/tld.x86_64_Data/il2cpp_data/Metadata/global-metadata.dat" Which is correct....