
Results 7 comments of SydneyOwl

Hello @belono , Since my machine works in offline mode so pip is unavailable, I tried `pip3 uninstall escpos` and pull your code from [here]( which should be same and...

I use `pip install -U git+` instead of `pip install -U git+git://`. Pip failed to clone pr via `git+git://`, so I used the former one. I made some changes to...

No exception thrown. This is just an enhancement for those who separated the print command sender and the print command processer. For example, Raspi is the cups server and is...

Glad that I could be of help😁

try using `raw()`: ```python escposobject._raw("{}\n".format(txt).encode('GB18030')) ``` you should replace escposobject to proper ones, like `Usb` `network` or sth else. this encodes chinese characters to GB18030 so my XP58IIH is able...

solved this issue by using GetPrimaryServiceAsync and GetCharacteristicAsync directly in my code. Here's what it looks like: ```c# var service = await device.Gatt.GetPrimaryServiceAsync( BluetoothUuid.FromShortId(Convert.ToUInt16(BLE.RW_SERVICE_UUID.ToUpper(), 16))); var character = await service.GetCharacteristicAsync(...