Swapnoneel Saha
Swapnoneel Saha
Hey, I can work on these issues, but can you please elaborate the third and fourth requirement??
Got it @nehagup, feel free to assign me... I would like to work on these issues!!
> Hey @Swpn0neel are you still working on the issue. Just checking-in! Yes
I want to work on this issue!!
I want to work on this issue
Issue resolved @Sonichigo, Kindly check it and merge it please!!
Hey @nehagup, I've designed this one... please tell me how is it looking? I've just used some random testimonials here, but will use the ones from the main site while...
> @Swpn0neel To be fair, I'll let @sahadat-sk also come up with the design and then we can see how to move forward. Sure!!
Hey @nehagup I have designed this, if you like it I can go for implementing it on the site... or if you have any other design recommendations, I can work...
> I think this is cleaner, just need to make it compatible with the layout, maybe 3-4 in a row. Yeah, that can be done easily, no issues!! Feel free...