Quentin Gerodel

Results 13 issues of Quentin Gerodel

It is time to think to the new router for HAV2. (or I am a little bit too hasty ?). This router of choice will be state first, as requested...

Hi, Today property recognition is hardcoded. Is there any way to support defined properties across [daleeidd/postcss-define-property](/daleeidd/postcss-define-property) ? ![Syntax example](http://i.imgur.com/dEFZjAl.png)

Hi, Given #9, #26, #30. Some translation works have been started, It is pretty cool and pretty uncommon for many `README.md only` guide. But, for now, this is done on...

Hi there, This issue act more than a personal opinion, but why Guide Pages for LTS version like 2.8 are marked as old ? It could be more suitable to...

Hi. I see many opened pull requests and issues. It raises on my mind this question. I have one or two ideas to improve some things. If this project is...

Hi, I do not know if I am doing something wrong, but my partials do not raise update on `brunch watch`. Do I need to declare any rule in the...

Hi there, I dont want to be a wet blanket, but what about using the "embeded" player capabilities ? In fact, using the same kind of player directly from Youtube...

Hi there, I enjoy to use Typicon everywhere, but, like numerous of people, I need to rewrite Typicon for at least one thing (the font folder). So, Font-awesome and Bootstrap-sass...

Used along with [`vuedraggable`](https://github.com/SortableJS/Vue.Draggable) to provide sortable capabilities to the tags list. When the select box is open and a blur event occurs because a child of it get the...
