Quentin Gerodel

Results 53 comments of Quentin Gerodel

I'm on Yoga 2 13. I try this script to show the accelerometer values : ``` sh while true ; do echo `cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device3/in_accel_x_raw`, `cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device3/in_accel_y_raw`, `cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device3/in_accel_z_raw` ; done...

Bad news... ``` Snabbdom-pragma@1 => 20346 op/s [avg: 0.491ms] Snabbdom-pragma@2 => 9622 op/s [avg: 1.039ms] Snabbdom/h => 65803 op/s [avg: 0.152ms] ``` for ```js Snabbdom.createElement('div', null, 'Hello', 13) ```

Plan to move to ~Ramda~ Lodash instead of builtin map/reduce/filter ?

Partial lodash experiment : ``` Snabbdom-pragma@1 => 21607 op/s [avg: 0.462ms] Snabbdom-pragma@2 => 27133 op/s [avg: 0.368ms] (lodash here) Snabbdom/h => 67558 op/s [avg: 0.148ms] ``` * *take note the...

Which is better ? Speed or Weight ?

I aimed to be dependency free. So what about using is and lodash and produce a dist file which be dependency free with tree shacking ?

@jvanbruegge Are Snabbdom-pragma performances for Snabbdom and Cyclejs users a priority ?

I made a brief tests, and seen a tiny difference regarding the lodash implementation ones. The prepack stuffs need to be done after the project use of `Snabbdom.createElement`, at our...

On mobile too, I'll take a look after lunch.

[Here you are](https://gist.github.com/Swizz/20c4efcf48c308716f3ca7ec30902771) Prepack isnt in love with `exports/require`, so it needed to do some hacks to work with.. Prepack didn't replace `Array.prototype.map, Array.prototype.reduce, etc..`, functions that are costly for...