Results 11 issues of Swifty Wang

This is a cool library. But now Jcenter is deprecated. Hope can move to mavenCentral

Currently when clicking download button only the file with `.db`can be downloaded which is not enough. This PR will compress all DB files the name started with xxx.db to a...

I saved small png as byte array to the database but now in web UI it will only show `{blob}`. If not, I want to download DB file and open...

This is a cool project, but from the demo there should have a mouth animation. :)


if (mPadding != -1.1f) { mRecyclerView.setPadding(mPadding, mPadding, mPadding, mPadding); } else { mRecyclerView.setPadding(mPaddingLeft, mPaddingTop, mPaddingRight, mPaddingBottom); } but mPadding is an integer it always not equals -1.1...

### New Issue Checklist - [x] Updated Tabman to the latest version - [x] I searched for [existing GitHub issues]( - [x] I took a look at the [Troubleshooting Guide](


Because I am just implement the same feature in my project. I forked ur lib to: [UnderLineLinkTextView]( added new attributes added maven support @wangshaolei If u want, I can PR...

这个打包方式和gradle ProductFlavor 多渠道有什么优势? 或者说有什么不同的地方? 好像readme没写?

我正在把这个demo 改成了库 看了另外一个人的视频转换 发现是基于这个的,大家的思路都很好。优化一下可以做个java 库给人用。 库的地址在这,基本上差不多了 不过现在需要重新compile 出现了问题,希望讨论讨论把这个搞起来 @GodFengShen

I am using this library 1.4.5 version. With this function `public inline fun Fragment.viewBinding( crossinline vbFactory: (View) -> T, @IdRes viewBindingRootId: Int )` And working in activity and fragment. When...
