Mulang Su

Results 42 issues of Mulang Su

In the README, there is this sentence: > Make the text fit the label size: width and height if multilines, width only if single lines Why do we only fit...

To reproduce this problem, add a FittableFontLabel to a storyboard. Set its text to be for example `"Hello\nWorld\nBye\nWorld"`. Set the `numberOfLines` property to either 0 or 4, the `lineBreakMode` to...


This is a similar issue to The panning of the finger on the chart seems to interfere with the gesture recogniser responsible for dismissing the modally presented VC. Whenever...

Currently, I can set the `yLabels` property to add horizontal lines to the chart. If I set it to "5", "10" and "15", three horizontal lines are drawn on the...

new feature

Currently, the `LoadingActivity` view seems to be added as a subview of the `topViewController`. This means that I cannot show the loading activity, and keep it showing while I perform...

It would be nice to be able to edit the button directly in an xib file or storyboard. Don't you think this is a good idea?


I created two buttons like this: `quitButton.createTitle("Quit", withIcon: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "quit"), font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12), iconOffsetY: 0)` I used a font size of 12 and the result looks like this: As you...

I really like how XLForm has those sections where users can insert/delete/reorder rows. Do you plan on adding this to SwiftForms as well? XLForm is written in Objective-C and so...

I don't really understand what the gradient bounce color is. Where can I see it in the segmented control?

I often need to let the user input a date range, and I usually do this with 3 rows: - A `PickerInlineRow` that allows the user to choose preset date...

type: feature request