App crashes when calling payment.purchase. no log . Just closing the app. following the details from https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/platform/android_in_app_purchases.html using version 3.2.2 Downloaded the files "GodotGooglePlayBilling.1.0.0.release.aar" and "GodotGooglePlayBilling.gdap" from below link. https://github.com/godotengine/godot-google-play-billing/releases...
Is there any option to assign some values to socket (like in node.js web socket )?When a client is connected, we can set some room id , seat id and...
When connecting from socketio client.. its throwing error Error: server error at Socket.onPacket (socket.js?0112:317:1) at Emitter.emit (index.js?5641:143:1) at XHR.onPacket (transport.js?1272:100:1) at callback (polling.js?ae7b:83:1) at Array.forEach () at XHR.onData (polling.js?ae7b:86:1) at...