> pos Hi, we are also facing issues using ADO task. Could you please let us know the workaround time? We have priority testing blocked due to this.
@ [laurencenairne-work](https://github.com/laurencenairne-work) ##[error]invalid project name "test/test-testrepo-repo": must consist only of lowercase alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores as well as start with a letter or number I am seeing this error.
> > > pos > > > > > > Hi, we are also facing issues using ADO task. Could you please let us know the workaround time? We have...
Hi @mikhailkoliada , Do we have solution for ADO tasks DockerCompose@0? Can we use upgraded task rather than using the work around solution?
> We have rewritten all of our `DockerCompose@` commands to simply use Bash. > > ```diff > - - task: DockerCompose@0 > + - task: Bash@3 > displayName: 'OpenAPI Linter:...