Pinch Double tap etc... We have already swipe and scroll.
If I have to be honest I haven't try it but probably you could try to locate the alert by xpath and then use getText()
Hi @NirmalAyyappan, Sorry for delayed answer but I was on a vacation. As far as I understood your scenario you need to communicate with 2 different devices in a single...
Hey @bsmithb2, honestly, I haven't tested it with 'Visual Studio Community' but I will take a closer look and come back to you.
Hey @jeremypele Basically, you need to provide testAppName ( and testAppArchive if you are running the tests against simulator) in your config file. This means that it is expected the...
Hi @jeremypele, Thank you for your feedback. Let me elaborate a little bit more on nativescirpt-dev-appium plugin. Recently we released a new version of it 2.0.1 which has a few...
Hey @jeremypele, I am not sure that I understand your scenario. Could please elaborate more on this, so that I can give you more accurate answer
Hey @jeremypele, sorry for delayed answer but I was on a vacation. Let me get straight to the point. I would suggest you try this option this.device.restartApp();. If this approach...