
Results 12 comments of SvenAbels

Fantastic news. :-) Is there any estimated release date for 0.3 already?

OK, thanks for the feedback. LEt'S hope that Microsoft adds support to their API in the future

For me, it works to reload the device by clicking on the 3 dots in the device overview: ![image]( However, this is not a good solution because it only works...

> Same problem here too. 11/11 devices not available. This might be a different problem because for me, I never have the situation that all are not available at the...

> Are your devices accessible in the Tapo app when they "unavailable" in HA? Yes my devices are still accessible via the tapo application but not via HomeAssistant during that...

Hi, for me the signal is not the problem. My repeater is in the same room for 4 of the Tapos but they still got this problem from time to...

Thanks for the hint. I checked it and the checkbox is already deactiavted on my devices. I also notices, that the unavailability happens very infrequently: Sometimes I get then 3-4...

I did not have this experience for several weeks now. Thus I intent to close this issue unless it's still unresolved for others...

I can confirm this problem using the docker image of phpremin und the official docker image of redis