> > > Agreed. Also, there's a warning regarding the default phone region code. > > > > > > > > Yes, of course. But I thought it's...
The directory is empty at boot. That's correct. But the script above is running after the longrun process is started. I get more error messages: ` ++ ls -d 'subfolder/*'...
> `$cfg.download_complete=`, or use (). Thanks. But it still does not work. rtorrent still not moving my files. Changed this line: `method.insert = d.get_finished_dir, simple, "cat=$cfg.download_complete=,$d.custom1="`
Ok for some reasons it is working now. Just one problem. rTorrent is replacing slashes to "%2F". Example: download/LABEL/LABEL/MY_SHOW after download completed it look like this completed/LABEL%2FLABEL/MY_SHOW Do I need...
> no, rt does not, rut does. they are just stored that way (for no good reason). But the destination is correct and rt does move the folder. Why it...
Facing the same issue, but my Raspi 4 B has 8GB of ram.