Sebastian van der Voort
Sebastian van der Voort
Currently, when running elastix/transformix it is only possible to specify the output directory, and not specifically the output name. For example, from elastix the output files will always be named...
I've just started experimenting with this package and ran into some start-up problems, mainly due to some unclear error messages. I was using parameter files that worked fine with base...
Is there any documentation on the full API of ITKElastix? Although the examples are helpful, it can sometimes be hard to find exactly what modules/functions are available and what input...
Currently, in order to write the log to file you need to do the following: ``` elastix_object = itk.ElastixRegistrationMethod[itk.Image[itk.F, 3], itk.Image[itk.F, 3]].New() elastix_object.SetLogToFile(True) elastix_object.SetLogFileName("out.log") elastix_object.SetOutputDirectory("/data/") ``` However, by using `elastix_object.SetOutputDirectory`,...
When using `MultiMetricMultiResolutionRegistration` with the object-oriented interface and using `SetNumberOfThreads`, ITKElastix will throw a segmentation fault when setting more than one thread. Code to test, this will result in a...
The `itk.ElastixRegistrationMethod` method has the `SetNumberOfThreads` and `GetNumberOfThreads` functions to set and get the number of threads respectively. However, `itk.TransformixFilter` does not have such functions. Should the number of threads...