To be clear: this is a bug. The publish date should be the date when it was published, not when it was created. So if anyone want's to work on...
Isn't this some serious feature creep? Sure the ability for extensions to do stuff is nice, but does bolt core really need to batch move/rename /extract files?
IMO this still would be better in the favicon.
Just flagging that there is also a lot of previous discussion about this in #1295
Not arguing that we should close this *right* now, but the `template_directory` option should really be deprecated & removed. If you need this level of customization that should be done...
Could someone perhaps let me know how to use the script above? As in if I have a git url, how to I use the above to build a package...
Is the usecase that a use does not need to know the CT slug? if so how would one add a menu item not belonging to that CT? or would...
> but it _kinda_ looks like it's going wrong after some time What goes wrong specifically? Also IIRC you can have the same page in multiple nodes of a menu,...
Why do you consider cloneNode to be equivalent to innerHTML? I use a shallow cloneNode on cached (empty) nodes, so it really is just a slightly faster createElement.
@ClassicOldSong Gotcha, but I think there are two very different things between innerHTML and cloneNode. As you said innerHTML can lead to security concerns and requires a HTML parser. cloneNode...