
Results 7 comments of Jack

I never encountered this issue on 2004 or 20H2. Post the error it gives you, that would be actually useful.

How do you know that this is the result of the script? I see little reason why it would affect IPv6 connectivity. See [Teredo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teredo_tunneling). It removing Xbox components from Windows...

Having the same issue on Ubuntu 20.04, on a fresh intall ``` $ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jfrog.list deb https://jfrog.bintray.com/artifactory-debs bionic main ``` [artifactory-oss-log.tar.gz](https://github.com/jfrog/artifactory-docker-examples/files/5836579/artifactory-oss-log.tar.gz) Edit: I it running by purging Artifactory, installing an...

> @Suphax how long did you wait for services to come up in 7.12.6 ? In a VM i tried, it took me around 28 seconds for all the services...

Is there anything extra needed for this to be merged? Unsure if I've missed something.

Hello? I'd rather have this not lingering around - can you explain why it's been left?