
Results 12 comments of SunnnyGohil

thanks for reply @lcobucci when i run producer into consumer that time i got "Exception 'LogicException' with message 'Cannot run() recursively; event reactor already active" this error. if you have...

@lcobucci i aleardy run producer in sync mode but i got error

```php require '../vendor/autoload.php'; date_default_timezone_set('PRC'); $config = \Kafka\ConsumerConfig::getInstance(); $config->setMetadataRefreshIntervalMs(10000); $config->setMetadataBrokerList(''); $config->setGroupId('test'); $config->setBrokerVersion(''); $config->setTopics(['test']); $config->setOffsetReset('earliest'); $config->setClientId(1); $consumer = new \Kafka\Consumer(); $consumer->start(function($topic,$part,$message) use (&$partition){ $part=(int)$partition; $st=@(time()+microtime()); $data=(array)json_decode($message['message']['value']); $data['data']=(array)$data['data']; $GLOBALS['log']=$data; $config_producer = \Kafka\ProducerConfig::getInstance(); $config_producer->setMetadataRefreshIntervalMs(10000);...

thanks @lcobucci i changes in my code but i got there new exception "Exception 'Kafka\Exception\Protocol' with message 'unpack failed. string(raw) length is 0 , TO N"

yes @lcobucci i am using stable release. my project is on it, so i can't change it. can you give me another solution?

i solv this by calling self API

I have vue js on my project and i am facing same issue

@farouqariff did you fixed the issue? If yes then please write here.

[ ![Screenshot from 2024-05-01 22-36-21]( ] received this error in console

``` @extends('') @section('content') {{ __('Users') }} Create New User @if ($message = Session::get('success')) {{ $message }} @endif @grid([ 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'columns' => [ [ 'class' => 'raw', 'title' =>...