Thanks to your great week on this repo, I have some questions about speed and memory of this model, 1, Do you use a single V100 to train this model?...
In ./rfcn/operator_cxx, it seemed that, only gpu version deformable_im2col and deformable_col2im was implemented. The CPU version of these functions were not implemented. How can I run this repo on a...
Deformable psroipooling code can be found in this repo, so is deformable convolution also implemented?
Hi Fausto I'm trying to use your 3D-caffe, but there turns to be several mistakes. I used SimpleITK version 0.10.0 installed by pip. My OS is CentOS 7.2, and python...
Fix load pretrain and load params due to the shape check in added in Version 1.6.0 In StNet and Nonlocal, some of the pretrained params' shape is not the...