
Results 9 comments of SunDoge

Hi, @miraodasilva, the first time copying memory from CPU to GPU takes time, thus the second run time is more accurate. However, the VideoReader with GPU context is slower than...

HI, @jogardi @L1AN0 . I made a proof-of-concept project transferring `tch::Tensor` to Python in `dlpack` by using `pyo3` and vice versa. I hope it can be helpful. [](

@Ejhfast nope, but it's possible. `Tensor.grad` is also a tensor and can be passed in the same way.

Hi, @yaox12 . Thanks for your suggestion. `ColorJitter` has been added to `albumentations` and I replaced `RandomBrightnessContrast` and `HueSaturationValue` with it.

Thanks for your reminder. I'll convert the `dom` to `serde_json`'s `Value` and rebenchmark it.

This is still a draft. The api of dlpark is still evolving and I'll release v0.3.0 this week. I want to utilize the ownership system to make sure dlpack can...

In my opinion, the `iouring_entries` and `VALUE_SIZE` are both too small for iouring,which doesn't take advantage of the benefits of async I/O. With entries = 64 and value size =...