**Describe the bug** I recently had a report from the team dealing with people with disabilites in my company : PSADT UI (defer, reboot popups) are not processed correctly by...
Hello, in the main.ps1, you have theses lines : `[string]$envOSVersionMajor = $envOSVersion.Major [string]$envOSVersionMinor = $envOSVersion.Minor [string]$envOSVersionBuild = $envOSVersion.Build` Using [Int] type ([version] major, minor are [Int]) would allow version comparison...
**Describe the bug** Classes are located in a second HKEY_USERS key. Not the SID one, but SID_Classes. Trying to access a key under 'Classes'. When mounting hive, NTUSER.DAT does not...
Hello, first thanks for your awesome work ! Explanation of this feature request : to allow Orange TV Decoder to work properly, it has to be handled by the ISP...
### Summary of the new feature / enhancement Actually when you call Get-installedApplication, it will browse HKLM keys for installed applications informations. By doing so, it will ignore the installed...
### Prerequisites - [X] Ensure you write a short, descriptive title after [Bug] above. - [X] Make sure to [search for any existing issues]( before filing a new one. -...