I have the same problem as @Queetinliu . @Queetinliu can you give some hints/insides how you managed to sucessfully push to a private harbor repository? Here is my current setup:...
Now I added the environment variable DOCKER_CONFIG to the Command but still I get the same error message Command: ```bash echo -e 'FROM alpine \nRUN echo "created from standard input"'...
Hi @jameshearttech , is the Host IP of a Kubernetes Node and Harbor is running on **NodePort** 30002. So I do not use a ingress controller.
> @SuitDeer add the 0400 mode to the docker-config mount. Hi @Queetinliu , I have now added the option **defaultMode** into my command. ``` ..... "volumes": [ { "name": "docker-config",...
@jameshearttech I have setup harbor with the rancher web-ui as a helm chart. And here is the content of the values.yaml file of the harbor helm chart: ``` caSecretName: ''...
@Queetinliu I have now installed nerdctl on my kubernetes node, but i get the following error: ```bash nerdctl push ``` Output: ```bash FATA[0000] cannot access containerd socket "/run/containerd/containerd.sock": no...
I think @Queetinliu you are right... I have setup another machine in my home network ( Ubuntu. I have installed docker on it and if I want to push to...
On this weekend I had finally time to get to the problem again. I now run a private container registry on another machine (Docker Private Registry) and I can flawlessly...
For me this Plugin is essential to communicate with my community on my website. It would be cool if it this plugin would gain more intrest. @rhukster I am also...
@imhinotori I want to use the `docker_inline` parameter as well. I only managed to use the `docker_inline` parameter with portainer 2.19.4 as a single line string like so: ```yml version:...