@digant73 The latest firmware I can find is from april 10 2021? Release: [Vx.x.27] When doing manual input in the terminal it all works just fine. When using the move...
@digant73 My mistake... I checked and used the latest firmware already! Also no luck.... I also checked if I had enabled all marlin features necessary for the tft35.
I am using this version: BIGTREE_TFT35_V3.0_E3.27.x.bin
@kisslorand Will give it a try now! I will let you know!
@kisslorand Looks like your firmware did the trick mate! Thank you!
@digant73 I will try your attached firmware! I already used the master branch for the firmware. No luck! I will let you know how it went with your attached firmware!
@digant73 Welp..... now it's destroyed... the TFT won't boot anymore and if it does its just bootlooping all the time FML ......
@digant73 unfortunately my TFT35 died I guess... It keeps bootlooping now. Already tried reflashing the bootloader, no luck...
@digant73 I did install the original bootloader but still it keeps bootlooping.... I think its bricked....
@digant73 Will come back to this... Currently, I tried virtually every different bootloader to fix the issue.. I discarded the screen and started tinkering with Klipper for now...