Actually I check those files but I didn't find an error. I noticed that I have no 'obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libc_intermediates/export_includes' repository so it's probably why I can't generate the libs. Now I...
Of course, I only did few modifications. of flinger : LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_SRC_FILES = \ flinger.cpp #LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DPLATFORM_SDK_VERSION=$(PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION) LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += \ $(LOCAL_PATH) \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/.. LOCAL_PRELINK_MODULE:=false...
Nope I didn't success to create libraries for android 4.3. :/
I solve the problem ! The problem was that i call bindApplications in my onResume so when I return to this activity I stack again my ViewFlow and i got...
I didn't work with this library anymore, I found that you can easily do the same things with Fragment on Android. So I don't know. Good luck.