
Results 6 issues of Subasinghe

I am using Protractor to test automate with Angular web application. My test suite has around 37 test cases. Each test case runs successfully when it runs individually.When I run...

1. Login to management console and navigate to Browse Queue page. 2. Now let the session timeout or clear the cookies. 3. Now click on one of the queues that...

When a role is given permission to subscribe/publish from the topic section(refer attachment - attachment2) it is possible to pub/sub using that user credentials to a topic which is correct....

1. Have 3 nodes as mb1, mb2, mb3. 2. Publish queue messages with a roundrobin sequence of mb1, mb2 and then mb3. 3. Kill mb1. Wait sometime. 4. Kill mb2....

Topic name - validation message should be meaningful. Ex 1 :- #$^% - Shows the popup as error unknown( refer pic - topicName ) ``` [2015-09-17 18:43:14,960] ERROR {org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCInOnlyMessageReceiver} -...

Steps ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Create publishers with following JMS properties set. All publishers publish to Queue1. a. type = sports b. type = 5 c. value =1 d. value =2 e....