
Results 54 issues of StuartIanNaylor

log2ram keeps current logs in memory but also keeps old logs from logrotate and vastly increase mem usage via what are essentially old non current logs not in use and...

Not sure why Andy but VLC at least with higher res on the raspberry pi will only play when full screen. Your addon is brilliant for the pi as chromium...

@rabitt would be so good to be able to get file info via an array as you can nor some really good complex analysis / effects. Writing and loading to...

The main transformer snippet of my code is ``` t pad = (1 - duration) startpad = abs(pad * pad_offset) / 2 endpad = 1 tfm1.pitch(pitch_offset) tfm1.tempo(tempo_offset, 's') tfm1.pad(startpad, endpad)...

kmxz using your merge tool with a single lower in Firstly many thanks as even though OverlayFS is now a mainline module there seems to be a total lack...

I have a query ``` SELECT "words"."word", count("files"."file") as "count" FROM "words", "phones", "files" WHERE "words"."word_id" = "phones"."word_id" AND "words"."word_id" = "files"."word_id" AND "phones"."phone1" = 'SH' GROUP BY "words"."word" ```...


I wonder if anyone will ever produce a realtime lib that the output you can put back on a loopback. There is a real struggle for any highly optimised DSP...

Hi Hendrik, Just curious as didn't see any benchmarks but could it run chunking audio as it goes or does it need the overall file to analyse? How does it...


Got a feeling for mycroft noobs these cause raspbian confusion ``` { "play_wav_cmdline": "aplay -Dhw:0,0 %1", "play_mp3_cmdline": "mpg123 -a hw:0,0 %1", "enclosure": { "platform": "picroft" }, "tts": { "mimic": {...

Until a fix is found for the PS3 Eye its probably best not to recommend it. Doubt it though as this has a history over a decade long. alsactl init...