Daniel Jönsson

Results 16 comments of Daniel Jönsson

I have Tuya TS0601 thermostats and I would also like to able to switch the child lock on and off. Maybe the best way to solve it would be to...

This would be really great. My need for it is that I pay (like many others I guess) an "average" of the month (I know it is more to it...

I changed to running Node-RED in Docker a couple of days ago, and it work perfectly. This is my compose-file: ``` version: "2" services: node-red: container_name: node-red image: nodered/node-red:latest volumes:...

Same here. Just upgraded to Node-RED 3.0.2 and node-red-contrib-rfxcom stopped working. I run Node-RED in docker from the official image. Gets the following error in the logg: `19 Dec 11:24:56...

> That is a NodeJS version problem, nothing to do with the Node-RED version. You need to go to the package directory of `node-red-contrib-rfxcom`'s `rfxcom` dependency, and npm rebuild from...

So I started up a brand new container with the official Node-RED image (nodered/node-red:3.0.2). And I am not able to install node-red-contrib-rfxcom 2.11.3. Nothing else is installed in this container....

> I have no idea where this is coming from. I don't see it when installing. Something to do with Docker maybe? Well, yes and no I guess. The issue...

Same here on version 1.36.1. Nothing in the logs but browser console gives me this when trying to change the state from the dashboard: ``` Uncaught TypeError: a is not...

I would also like the option to look 36 hours a head. And that a new schedule was calculated as soon as the prices for next day arrives. This would...

Haven't given it so much thought but I can see the problems now how to implement it. Maybe it would be better to implement a new strategy for very flexible...