
Results 55 comments of Qingmu

> `import { createNamespacedHelpers } from 'vuex'` ```console [vuex] module namespace not found in mapActions(): Counter ``` ```console [vuex] module namespace not found in mapActions(): Address ``` ```Vue ... import...

`libvips` 是 `sharp` 包的必须组件,在机器上如果没有 `libvips`,会尝试自己编译,可能缺少编译环境相关的组件,可以检查一下 libvips 安装部分的文档 上方错误信息里关键的信息可能是 `autoreconf: not found`

> 谢谢回复,在网上确实搜索到一些信息: > https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64927442/gatsby-build-failing-on-mozjpeg > 但由于这个部署是在腾讯云,感觉应该是机器上缺少一些配置。 > > 我这边可以直接操作机器上的配置吗?对于开发者来说我应该不感知的 可以考虑 Docker Image 的方式部署,这样环境自己可控。

@mistic100 Can you share your configuration? , I used a similar development method. sockpath replacement failed. ``` Host: app.test app.test/ => angular ssr app app.test/app => angular spa app //...

> I already did, two messages above (click the file names with the little triangle) I tried the config file you said. > With Angular 11 something changed with how...

@beerose https://github.com/blitz-js/blitz/issues/3595 Seems to be the same problem?

I had the same problem. How can I use this pr to test if it's the same problem?

Is there any way to do proxy `websocket`? , such as replacing the code in `node_modules/next`

支持运行在编译静态文件之后运行自定义脚本么? 需求是这样的 需要通过 ftp 或者其他方式上传上去,但是hexo本身配置的 ftp 存在 connection timeout 无法解决 现借助winscp实现了文件同步

@punithbm Do you have any progress and case code? I try to create a flat map with [geoPatterson](https://github.com/d3/d3-geo-projection#geoPatterson)