If the app is not on screen, it will not download the files. e.g., if an another app becomes active or the screen goes off(but not to sleep). I do...
override ToString for options to have it display all the options and their values. this is for debugging purposes. Similar to the --help but instead of help text, shows values.
I have an app that works fine when ran from the console but fails in visual studio. Seems the last 2 characters a single command, like "app --late" is "--late\r\n"...
I would like to be able to pass arrays to my app. To do so I have to use string valued options and parse them myself. Is it possible to...
It would be very nice and simple to add a sort feature for files. E.g., date created, date modified, size, etc... Also, when going to favorites from the folders is...
It's been a while... or are there any other maintained lua bindings for D that are up to date?
I have a few problems 1. The software does not seem to work well. After a short period of time, it stops the reassigned mouse keys stop responding. Also, keys...
Trying to build, I get the errors: B:\Temp\luaffi-master\msvc\stdbool.h(36): error C2632: 'char' followed by 'bool' is illegal B:\Temp\luaffi-master\msvc\stdbool.h(36): warning C4091: 'typedef ': ignored on left of 'unsigned char' when no variable...
Only root templates get cached. If my root template is very simple and composed of several other templates then caching is ineffective if any of those change. It would be...
Where is clear defined? stream is depreciated and there are several uses of clear without a definition anywhere.