Yes, As you said, the key to solving the problem is that Neovim can schedule the `padre` and communicate with it, and understand the differences and migration methods of NeoVim...
Sorry for the late reply, I just finished reading the first post you mentioned above, brilliant learning materials. The simple example of the concept of borrow check gave me some...
Hello, I met this weird problem on the [iVim](https://github.com/terrychou/iVim)(A port of Vim for iOS), and it looks like using GVim as its GUI implementation similarly. After some useless work, finally,...
Debian12 我这边是安装对应版本的dev包后就可以了, 检查下是否有对应版本的包, 比如`python3.11-dev`/`python3-dev`? ~~可能还需要安装pybind11, 在环境中 `pip install --upgrade pybind11`~~