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☀️ Cascaded shadow maps (CSMs) implementation for Three.js


Cascaded shadow maps (CSMs) implementation for Three.js. This approach provides higher resolution of shadows near the camera and lower resolution far away by using several shadow maps. CSMs are usually used for shadows cast by the sun over a large terrain.


Cascaded Shadow Maps


<script src="/build/three-csm.js"></script>

Using CommonJS:

npm i three-csm
const THREE = require('three');
THREE.CSM = require('three-csm');

Using ES6 modules:

import * as THREE from 'three';
import * as CSM from 'three-csm';

Basic usage

let camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(70, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000);
let renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();

renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
renderer.shadowMap.type = THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap; // or any other type of shadowmap
let csm = new THREE.CSM({
	maxFar: camera.far,
	cascades: 4,
	shadowMapSize: 1024,
	lightDirection: new THREE.Vector3(1, -1, 1).normalize(),
	camera: camera,
	parent: scene

let material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial(); // works with Phong and Standard materials
csm.setupMaterial(material); // must be called to pass all CSM-related uniforms to the shader

let mesh = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry(), material);
mesh.castShadow = true;
mesh.receiveShadow = true;


Finally, in your update loop, call the update function before rendering:






  • settingsObject which contains all setting of CSMs.

    • settings.maxFar — Frustum far plane distance (i.e. shadows are not visible farther this distance from camera). May be smaller than camera.far value. Optional.

    • settings.aspect — Frustum aspect ratio. Optional.

    • — Instance of THREE.PerspectiveCamera which is currently used for rendering.

    • settings.parent — Instance of THREE.Object3D where lights will be stored.

    • settings.cascades — Number of shadow cascades. Optional.

    • settings.mode — Defines a split scheme (how large frustum is splitted into smaller ones). Can be uniform (linear), logarithmic, practical or custom. For most cases practical may be the best choice. Equations used for each scheme can be found in GPU Gems 3. Chapter 10. If mode is set to custom, you'll need to define your own customSplitsCallback. Optional.

    • settings.customSplitsCallback — A callback to compute custom cascade splits when mode is set to custom. Callback should accept three number parameters: cascadeAmount, nearDistance, farDistance and return an array of split distances ranging from 0 to 1, where 0 is equal to nearDistance and 1 is equal to farDistance. Check out the official modes in CSM.js to learn how they work.

    • settings.shadowMapSize — Resolution of shadow maps (one per cascade). Optional.

    • settings.shadowBias — Serves the same purpose as THREE.LightShadow.bias, but most likely you will need to use much smaller values. Optional.

    • settings.lightIntensity — Same as THREE.DirectionalLight.intensity. Optional.

    • settings.lightDirection — Normalized THREE.Vector3(). Optional.

    • settings.lightNear — Shadow camera frustum near plane. Optional.

    • settings.lightFar — Shadow camera frustum far plane. The larger is settings.far the bigger number should be used. Optional.

    • settings.lightMargin — Defines how far shadow camera is moved along z axis in cascade frustum space. The larger is the value the more space LightShadow will be able to cover. Should be set to high values for scenes with huge objects. Optional.


Updates defines and uniforms of passed material. Should be called for every material which must use CSMs.


  • material — Instance of THREE.Material.


Rebuilds splits using new aspect ratio.


  • aspect — Frustum aspect ratio.


Removes all directional lights used by CSM instance from parent object specified in settings.


Updates positions of frustum splits in world space. Should be called before rendering.


  • cameraMatrixcamera.matrix, instance of THREE.Matrix4.


Recalculates frustums for shadow cascades. Must be called after changing mode or far properties of CSM instance.


Returns a THREE.Object which contains THREE.Line instances representing frustum splits used by CSMs.


Feel free to contribute. Use npm run dev to run a dev server.


  1. Rouslan Dimitrov. Cascaded ShadowMaps
  2. Cascaded Shadow Maps on Windows Dev Center
  3. 3D Game Development with LWJGL 3. Cascaded Shadow Maps
  4. GPU Gems 3. Chapter 10