Steve Townsend
Steve Townsend
Nexus report from [omahgad]( > the auto loot feature doesn't seem to work inside the greenhouse of windstad manor (haven't checked the other hearthfire manors). It auto loots whitelisted critters...
Experiment suggestion via _xSE RE/skyrim-se_ Discord. Just hook it and see what shows in the log, for starters.
report from Nexus [infiniteonce]( > The Golden hills plantation area detection is not working well. So the chest by the workbench and grindstone is being looted. Current area seem to...
From Nexus user [Steelrat67]( > I cannot autoloot the cheese added by [Cheesemod for Everyone]( after turning off food looting (obviously). So I created a little json file for myself...
Nexus report from [abraincell8]( > i have to remember to turn off smart loot when i get quest such as harvesting blood from the altmer dunmer bosmer orc, or examine...
Investigate further to Nexus report from [Shadriss]( > I also started seeing some CTDs on load for some older saves (during troubleshooting). I finally narrowed it down to the excess...
Nexus report from [Sephylon]( > is there a way to make this mod loot ordinator's bone collector stuff this mod does collects them but sometimes it just doesnt and you...
hopefully this would both look nicer and resolve the critter/flora unsuppressables
Nexus report from [emersonjones]( > the newest update of Elianora's Breezehome Overhaul ( causes the entire external area of whiterun extending even outside the walls to be detected as 'in...
### Describe the Feature Related to #5780 I would like to be able to label my own account and posts from community labeling service so community can filter them more...