Steve Lee

Results 533 comments of Steve Lee

The @PowerShell/wg-powershell-cmdlets discussed this and since this is not a change in behavior and has existed for a long time, we recommend `Won't Fix`

Changing definition of `HadErrors` at this point is probably not a bucket 3 breaking change. It's probably best to check the Error stream instead of this property and leave how...

The Cmdlets WG reviewed this and regarding the width, we agree to reduce the user and group columns to 8 instead of 10. Note that users can get more tight...

The @PowerShell/wg-powershell-cmdlets repro'd this and agree that this is a bug in PSReadLine

Sorry for the delay, I've queued this up to the Cmdlets WG to discuss

Sorry for the delay, the @PowerShell/wg-powershell-cmdlets agreed on the switch for this so this should be ready to merge given the PR signoffs

The @PowerShell/wg-powershell-cmdlets discussed this and agree this is by-design and suggestions for allowing the user to change behavior should be in

@potatoqualitee sorry it took so long, but it took a bit to explain to legal what WMF is and why you are looking to redistribute. Long story short, WMF is...

Since this is a regression from 5.1 and hitting customers, we should consider backport to 7.2

@odonyde technically, the format of the messages are actually dependent on the host. So the ConsoleHost has it one way and a different host may or may not prefix the...