Steve Lee

Results 533 comments of Steve Lee

Just found out about this and looking forward to when it shows up in the Chrome Store again :)

A non-zero exit code doesn't always mean error, but the remote behavior should try to be like the local behavior. If locally a non-zero is interpreted as an error condition,...

`pwsh -file foo` would read the contents of `foo` and execute it as though you typed it into the console. This is needed on non-Windows for shebang to work correctly....

@jborean93 that's great news! So if we can ensure that on Windows the script is still validated, then we just need someone to submit a PR :)

@PowerShell/powershell-committee reviewed this, we believe a complete solution for transcription (like the unix `script` command) would love to see the community build a new cmdlet (published to PSGallery) that uses...

I hope people understand that if this was easy to fix, we would have done it. The transcription code is more than 10 years old and its design has limitations...

@PowerShell/powershell-committee has re-discussed this recently. The ideal solution is: 1. expose a public API in SMA.dll for apps to discover the system, shared, and user module paths. Even our own...

This is a big enough change that it won't make it into 7.3 which is headed towards RC and we would not want to take such a impactful change at...

Given there's no code change we can do in powershell.exe to address this, I've changed this issue to a feature request to have a wscript-like host to support this type...

I would support a community contribution to add `pwshw.exe`