
Results 91 comments of Sternbach-Software

@mefistotelis according to a comment on the Family Gem play store entry, @michelesalvador said there is no (theoretical) limit. Though, hardware can be a bottleneck. This suggests that the solution...

@mefistotelis [this]( is the line with the error message in Gramps. Not exactly sure I understand why the error is being caused and what the GEDCOM should look like.

I tried adding `"2 FAMS @F{:5d}@".format(gperson.families[0])` (or something like that), but it didn't resolve the error.

What software did you use?

I believe [this]( is the relevant loop in GedcomGraph. In my case, it is specifically [this]( line.

[This]( looks like a good, short function on stackoverflow to determine whether the groups overlap. Was written for `View`s, so may need to be adjusted for `Group`s.

Some pseudo code that may help: ``` int initialPosition = node.y + node.height + PROGENY_DISTANCE; int finalPosition = initialPosition; while(isOverlapWithOthers(finalPosition)) { finalPosition += findNextOverlappingView(finalPosition).bottom + PROGENY_DISTANCE; } youth.setY(finalPosition); ``` For...

Where does that stacktrace start? Is this a JDK limitation or a KosherJava limitation? I might be interested in solving this, assuming the zmanim aspect of it isn't too complicated.

What if there was a separate class (e.g. `BCEJewishCalendar`) that took care of those complexities for the client? It could even implement the same API surface or a common interface....