
Results 106 comments of Sternbach-Software

[This]( actively maintained web app has this feature (and many more).

Me too. The problem is that there is no such library `` that is referenced [here]( He does have one called, but it doesn't have the package names referenced...

It's a shame because the uses of that library are minimal (see below for every use in the library/why JitPack had a problem compiling the library), but it is very...

There were only two references to the library: `InvalidData.UNINITIALIZED.[getInt()|getFloat()]` and `InvalidData.Companion.isInvalid`. The latter seemed to simply be checking if the values that the user put in for the headers were...

No. The recycler-view does not have an adjustable handle size and is almost impossible to click because of how small it is. I guarantee almost no one knows that they...

Whatever you say. Using the scrolling of a FastScrollerRecylerView is much easier and faster than using a regular RecyclerView. Your choice what to do with that information.

Yeah, this is a barrier of entry for me. A deal breaker: I can't move to Wakapi if I can't take my old time with me.

@muety Here are my Kotlin data classes modeling the JSON exported by WakaTime (heartbeats): ``` data class HeartbeatsJSON( //this is the high level representation of the JSON val user: User,...

WakaTime also has an option to export summaries. Here are the classes for that (note that in the previous list, a question mark means that the variable can be null;...

The challenge is that the entire app is built based on predefined colors in the styles.xml, so it would be a very big rework of complicated code.