I tried to install HDF5 using the new package manager, Windows 10, julia 1.0.0-rc1, and here's what happened. ``` (IntPtProj) pkg> add HDF5 Resolving package versions... Installed WinRPM ───── v0.3.3...
I'm trying to install JLD in the latest Windows nightly (finally available); JLD requires WinRPM, and the build of WinRPM fails. The first time it failed because JULIA_HOME was undefined....
A short PyPlot program is crashing on my Windows 11 machine (i.e., the Julia REPL exits with no error message). I verified that it works correctly on Linux. This is...
I encountered a strange bug in PyPlot that a println statement in a certain place in my code causes a plot to come out completely blank. Below is a stripped-down...
See below for some text from the datastructures.jl documentation (which I wrote last year). I'm wondering whether the statement about the performance hit from using Lt rather than a customized...
I noticed the following snippet in ordered_dict.jl: ``` function OrderedDict{K,V}(d::OrderedDict{K,V}) where {K,V} if d.ndel > 0 rehash!(d) end @assert d.ndel == 0 new{K,V}(copy(d.slots), copy(d.keys), copy(d.vals), 0) end ``` Isn't this...
Libz is not installing in the latest nightly of 0.7-DEV. The error message is below. This is for Ubuntu 17.10. I am trying to install JLD2, which depends on libz....