Here is a more serious conflict with `Base`: according to the Base docs, `pop!(s)` is supposed to return the last item in `s` if `s` is an ordered collection. However,...
Maybe deprecate `pop!(s)` for sorted containers to `popfirst!(s)`, and introduce new functionality `poplast!(s)` (the latter not present in Base)? Then, several years in the future, deprecate `poplast!(s)` to just `pop!(s)`?
Doesn't this approach for deprecating `pop!(s)` mean that everyone who upgrades from 0.18 to 1.0, skipping 0.19, will encounter a breaking change that is also silent? With regard to renaming...
OK. I am currently working on a major overhaul of the sorted containers to address a number of open issues at once. I will include these new names in my...
With regard to attaching proper meanings to `push!`, `pop!`, and `insert!`: Kevin Squire @kmsquire wrote a long message on discourse about how these functions are somewhat muddled in `Base`:
This is a different issue. Could you repost it as a new issue in DataStructures.jl. And, if possible, post as much information as you have about what is triggering the...
OK, I just registered it. – Steve Vavasis From: Pepijn de Vos ***@***.*** Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 5:30 AM To: StephenVavasis/Unroll.jl ***@***.***> Cc: Subscribed ***@***.***> Subject: [StephenVavasis/Unroll.jl] Register package...
The registration failed because of two errors: (i) there is already a package called “Unrolled”, and (2) some error about Julia compat that doesn’t seem to be documented. So I’m...
I am the original author of this package, but I stopped maintaining it many years ago. This package is difficult to maintain because it relies on the undocumented aspects of...
It appears that I last worked on the code around 2015, when Julia was at about v. 0.5.