> Do you sign the x64/arm64 bundles before merging them? Yes.My x64/arm64 app build on electron-builder and it can not skip codesign.
Em...My project includes both electron-builder and @electron-universal.Have any good idea to universal app after electron-builder builded?(respect~)
I tried and it went wrong: We use zoom-electron-sdk + [email protected] + [email protected]. `universal` arch can not match zoom-electron-sdk due to [email protected] have no --arch=universal.So I use electron-builder to build...
'you should try merging them before signing'. That's the problem: It seems like electron-builder not provided a configuration to skip signing process.
> I see. I suggest we move over to electron-builder issues with regards to this. There has to be a way to avoid signing in such situations, but surely it...
I make it work like this: 1. electron-builder build x64/arm64 2. remove x64/arm64 all _CodeSignature/CodeResources in Contents/** 3. remove mergedPlist code in electron-universal 4. add code in electron-universal [Don’t lipo...
If it possible that electron-universal remove _CodeSignature before merge? @indutny-signal