**Please use this template to submit your problem or your question will _NOT_ be properly tackled.** --- Describe what you want to do, including: i want to use efficientnet as...
build_targets中用wh ratio做target assignment吗?感觉应该用iou做啊。
To transfer the motion blur between the image pair (x, y) to a new image xˆ, we can simply compute: yˆ := F(ˆx, G(x, y)). however, when i set the...
No module named 'dl_lib.config'
is it correct to get video face swapping by inferring video frame by frame?
according to your code, the uniform matcher seems calculate the L1 distance between pred_bbox/anchor with target among batch imgs. but i think it should be computed within single img. another...
I use the labelenc in a custom model. In training step1 the autoencoder loss are not going down。in my opinion,the autoencoder loss should be in sync with detection loss since...
During the model warm-up, especially in the initial steps, there is significant fluctuation in GPU memory, and the process takes a considerable amount of time, reaching around twenty seconds. The...
when i use real expression coefficients extracted by deep3d, the performance drops a lot. why?