- [x] review use of tables across platform From #4194 the following issues have been identified: - Tables do not consistently have `` tags for both rows and columns. This...
**Describe the bug** In Clean on wider windows, the table of contents for an article is displayed to the right of the the text. This remains static as the text...
How to cite options are displayed with an expectation that the user will likely want to use the text elsewhere - i.e will want to copy it. There should be...
from Sample 2, item 77. #4194: (nb on narrow screen) English En selection - [ ] reconsider position - would a user get all the way down to the bottom...
When viewing a page on iOS in Safari (and other smartphone devices?) any number which could be a telephone number gets formatted as a link to 'call' that number. This...
[WCAG 2.4.4]( > The purpose of each link can be determined from the link text alone or from the link text together with its programmatically determined link context, except where...
During screenreader testing (#4194) these small readability issues were found: OLH Theme - [ Sample 1]( Material Theme - [Sample 2] ( Clean Theme - [Sample 3]( - [user content]...
Non-text content should have a text alternative. The following images did not have appropriate alt-text when reviewed during #4194. They need to be updated. - [ ] [Sample 1](, item...
We have used bullets and vertical lines in the middle of text to differentiate between items, for example: These are read out to by a screen reader as "vertical line"...
**Describe the bug** Clean theme, Janeway 1.5.1. News Articles are truncated into a summary for use e.g. on homepage. When article text has a new line, this is ignored rather...