
Results 83 comments of Stefal

Hi! It's possible with a rtcm stream and using the undocumented `in_ext_tcp option` of `` (, edit `str2str_tcp.service` (replacing `in_serial` with `in_ext_tcp`), and set the right value in `settings.conf` (ext_tcp_source...

Hi @GwnDaan There are two important subjects: - Translating the french doc to english - Choosing the right Coordinate Reference System for each country In France we use RGF93 which...

Fixed with

As this fix isn't in the 2.0.2 release, and this version is in used on more the 20 base stations, we should keep only one asset for the 2.0.3 release,...

But if the rover receives the Galileo NAV data (and it should receive them), it is able to use the Galileo birds.

What is the behaviour if you have 2 identical receiver connected?

Import method in RTKBaseConfigManager: - import file - call merge_default_and_user method - restart running services Export method in RTKBaseConfigManager: - do we need to export the web password? I think...

Hi! The RS2 seems to accept tcp Rtcm3 signal, so it should work. I know some Topcon, Trimble,... rover works with RTKBase too (via a Ntrip Caster). So....i'm sorry, I...

The default messages should work. If you have a spare F9P, perhaps you should connect it to a computer, and try to use it as a rover with Rtklib and...

Hi! As most base station are using a dual frequency GNSS receiver, the latest RTKBase releases switched to a more appropriate configuration to compute the base realtime location. If you...