An Mi-8 need 3800 liters to fill. I tried flying along the coast with 0.1 fuel. From south east of Altis i went bingofuel at the hotel... so around 35km...
Have to check garage for saving fuel amount
This make Garage saving fuel and fuelcargo Fixed the fuelcargo when ace is active, set 300 ACE liters (car is filled by 60 liters and heli with 3200) we might...
Civi cars have random amount of fuel to max 50%
Changed mission to: Steal or destroy Fuel Truck
i was thinking to allow refuel it at factories
Vehicles left around HQ, after a persistent load, get their fuel value reset to 0.1 In the meantime, don't leave vehicles out of garage
Yes we can script it, as i used that command to save the fuel amount in garage. I reopened the issue because of vehicles nearby HQ, those are saved just...
Hello! Thanks a lot! i'll make a fix
yes that's way better