Hey Nate, Thanks for this, it's something that we're definitely planning on doing and just need to go through the process of getting approval internally. Having an official bumble-tech HF...
Heyhey, I can retrain with FP32 and add the savedmodel if that works?
Hey! - Sorry about the delay in getting round to this Hmm tbh I've no experience in using CoreML models, so I'm quite limited in what I can do to...
We haven't officially uploaded anything (not sure if we have plans to do it on our end) but you should be able to use the one linked above!
cc @punkerpunker
doesn't seem to be a persistent issue, will double check but likely not an issue
Yeah the plan is to separate the app from the LAVA module and make LAVA more of a standalone module with a pip installation For context, the current format is...
ETA would be ~2 weeks, we've just finished a big project at work so I'll have more time for open source in the next couple of weeks. Will keep you...